feelings of predecessors to carve out in the advanced technology

feelings of predecessors to carve out in the advanced technology

Road Stock inspection department

Road slopes・earthwork structure

From the viewpoint of preventing a third-party damage, checking for understanding the (disaster, change shape, and the like that could lead to a third party damage due to dropping of the members) anomaly of strange shape, and the like of the glue surface Kou earthwork structureIt will be carried out. It should be noted that, if necessary, it will conduct appropriate emergency specific measures such as Tatakiotoshi.
Cut slopes as the type, embankments, ground anchor Engineering, Yokabe-ko, lock Shed, Sunosheddo, rockfall protection Engineering General (fence-Ami-ko, etc.), there is a rock fall prevention Engineering General (rope hanging engineering, etc.).

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Road signs, lighting, etc.

For labeling, etc., from the viewpoint of preventing a third-party damage caused by dropping or collapse, the inspection of the integrity of the facility Is carried out, do the emergency measures of tightening fix, nut together.
Inspection subjects, road signs road administrator has installed, road lighting facilities, is the road information providing apparatus.

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Point of view from the tunnel body Engineering of strange shape to prevent third-party damage, was carried abnormal inspections in order to grasp such as mounting state such as road appendages, and Tatakiotoshi together, the emergency specific measures by tightening fix do you.

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Erosion control facility

The dam, it halted the sediment flowing from upstream at the time of the flood, it is the facility that then flow downstream little by little. At the time of inspection you need to know also about the situation around and not only facilities.

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